Building and extension is a smart way to get the most out of your home, whether you have a growing family you need to accommodate or you just want to add value to your home. But it is not easy to know before you start your build what kind of costs you may be facing. So the team at Decohomes Ltd. have created the article below which should help you work out the potential cost of your house extension in Surrey.
So how much does a house extension cost in Surrey?
As with most things, the cost of building an extension varies depending on what you want. Obviously, smaller or less complex extensions are cheaper. Single storey extensions, two storey extensions, Kitchenand bathroom extensions– all of these will differ.Below are some rough numbers for each kind of extension that can help give you a general idea.
Single storey extension
In 2020, an estimate for the cost of a good quality single storey extension is anywhere between £1,800 and £2,300 per m2. Then we must add 10 – 15% on top of this for professional fees for the architect, planning application, building regulations, structural engineer and so on the cost goes up plus Vat. All in all, a single storey extension could cost £40,000 at the lower end and £67,000 at the upper end.
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Two storey extension
If both storeys are the same size, a generally-accepted rule is to add 50% extra to the build cost of a single storey extension.
Kitchen or bathroom extension
There are other factors to consider when working out costs for a kitchen or bathroom extension.Plans and permission need to account for plumbing and then the plumbing actually needs to be installed. And to ensure your extension is up to your expectations, it’s a good idea to get this done properly.
For a bathroom, you’ll need to add about £5,000. But this can also depend on the quality and number (toilet, bath, shower, wet room). It’s worth noting that, from a planning permission point of view, you can have showers and toilets anywhere.
A Kitchen will usually be twice as expensive as a bathroom, around £10,000 for a low/mid-range kitchen. So it can all depend on how “designer” you want your kitchen to be.
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Furnishings and fittings
Don’t forget to factor in the cost of furnishings, finishings and fittings. Simple painted walls, carpet or laminate wood floors, and standard lightings and electronics will keep your costs down.But higher furnishings and fittings, like tiling, fitted joinery, bespoke flooring and so on costs will make your costs rise. Make sure this is accounted for in your extension cost calculation.
Windows and Doors
Windows and doors, especially if high quality can be an expensive addition to relatively moderate building costs. Obviously, the bigger the window, the bigger the cost. Plus, higher levels of glazing, slide doors, and enhanced insulation will all add to the cost.
Building site constraints
Do not forget to factor in additional costs about your site. If you have a complex site, you’ll need to ask your builder to factor in any extra costs if you have:
- Trees that need moving
- A soil type that demands a specific building technique or material
- Any changes to steelwork or walls will entail additional costs
- If you’re moving drainage, pipework, gas meters and so on this will require extra planning and cost.
Cost of A House Extension in Surrey in A Nutshell
In Surrey, the average cost per m2 is around £1,800-£2,300+.For two-storey extensions, add 50% to the cost of a single-storey extension.If you want to add a bathroom or kitchen, add £5,000-£10,000. Don’t forget about windows, finishings, fixtures, or trees! Make sure you include these in your planning and cost estimates. If you don’t, you could be in for a surprise when the final bill comes.
Planning a house extension in Surreyis a costly project that can seem daunting, especially with so many things to think about. It’s best to start with figuring out the cost. Once you’ve got a rough idea of how much your extension will cost, you can move forward with everything else.Then proceedby finding a qualified builder on Checkatrade.com.